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The Full Story

Stress | Burnout 

Holisitic Therapy for Stress & Burnout | Online | London

The stress and pressure of modern, busy living is common. For many of us, juggling work, home and social demands, travel, financial pressures, constant communications and other demands has become a normal way of life. Sometimes, many of us don't even realise just how stressed we are... until stopped by ill-health or another warning sign.

Some element of stress can be a positive thing, it can serve as a motivator or to help keep us safe. This applies to situation specific and short-lived stress, such as an up and coming exam, meeting or a house move. 


Stress is a physiological response to danger, threats or demands - it involves significant changes in the body and the brains chemistry including elevated levels of adrenaline and the stress hormone, cortisol. 


The innate 'fight or flight or freeze' response is a self-protective response that helped keep our ancient ancestors alive. However, with todays high levels of constant demands and digital interaction, it is not uncommon to live with raised levels of constant stress. The bodily response to any kind of stress is much the same. This includes; symptoms of anxiety, alertness, heart-racing, muscle tension, changes in digestion, increased energy, sharpness and focus. In short, sporadic bursts these kinds of reaction are helpful. However, stress, when it is ongoing, constant or over-whelming can be very damaging to our health - both physical health and mental health. 


Stress has a serious negative impact on overall health; and is associated with heart disease, sleep problems, emotional problems, irritability, appetite and weight problems, insulin resistance, diabetes, PCOS, skin conditions, hair loss, bodily aches and pains, restlessness, relationship problems, digestive problems, loss of sex drive, alcohol and drug use and more...


Early signs of stress include feeling irritable, changes in appetite, having problems sleeping or from switching off. Other tell-tale signs include having a loss of interest in once previously enjoyed activities, such as socialising and spending time with family or friends. The more stressed people become, the harder it then is to slow down or switch off. This is in part due to the biochemical changes that fuel adrenaline and cortisol. Ignoring these early signs can be dangerous to health, not least to mention the problems that can occur with work or relationships. Often, at this stage, people begin to use alcohol or other substances or afflictions to try to cope with the stress.


Left unaddressed or untreated, stress can quickly lead to burnout. Burnout is a chronic stress state caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Burnout can leave you feeling completely overwhelmed, exhausted and unable to cope, 'wired', frazzled, resentful and hopeless. At this stage, it is vital to seek help and take steps to slow down and make some important, supportive lifestyle changes. 


Psychological therapy and counselling is an important help for stress and burnout - there are a number of factors involved in stress and burnout and speaking with a qualified psychologist can help by learning to identify triggers, gain support, build resilience and develop healthy ways to manage stress. Stress and burnout significantly affects biochemistry, which in turn hugely impacts on the ability to cope with stress and to recover. Nutritional therapy and lifestyle adaptions are an important part of recovery and prevention from stress and burnout. Dietary changes and targeted supplementation can help speed the recovery process and help build emotional and physical strength and wellbeing.


Dr. Sarah Davies is experienced in supporting recovery and prevention from stress and burnout with a holistic combination of psychotherapy, nutritional input and yogic & meditative techniques. An individualised approach can be informed by the specific results of individual client laboratory testing.

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