Dr. Sarah Davies
Chartered Counselling Psychologist
As a Chartered Integrative Counselling Psychologist I am trained in a number of different psychological therapy techniques and draw on a variety of effective approaches to suit each individual. Above all, I am passionate about offering a pragmatic and holistic approach to mental health.
I offer private psychotherapy and counselling sessions for adults in the Harley Street region of London W1. Most of the work I do now is online. I have also launched online courses for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery and Codependency.
Having trained at leading institutes for Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy, my roles have included; Consultant Psychologist & Biochemical Restoration advisor for a high-end private clinic in Ireland; and therapist and clinical co-ordinator for the pioneering and exclusive clinic Kusnacht Practice in Switzerland. Other roles have been in primary healthcare settings, charity, general mental health and neuro-rehabilitation in the UK.​
Throughout my journey of studying the mind at depth, I became increasingly intrigued with the importance of mind-body connection in emotional health and how this can often be lost following stress, trauma or when experiencing mental health problems. Supporting a healthy connection, alliance and harmony between mind and body is an integral part of how I work therapeutically. This includes specialist psychological therapies like CBT and DBT, body-based approaches, somatic movement, sensorimotor psychotherapy, mindfulness and meditation practices, yoga, TRE (trauma-release exercises), EMDR Trauma Therapy and psychonutrition.
Since 2007 I have worked with individuals experiencing a range of mental health issues including; anxiety and anxiety-related disorders; panic and OCD, depression, addictions, eating disorders, PTSD, relational issues, personality disorders, interpersonal difficulties and the underlying trauma, blocked processes or biochemical imbalances that often co-exists with these complaints. Specialist interests include narcissistic abuse, codependency, anxiety, stress and trauma. I have also published two self-help books for narcissistic abuse and toxic relationships - How to Leave a Narcissist... for Good and Raised By Narcissists for help with Parental and family Narcissism.​
I continue to train in evidence-based psychotherapies and allied approaches and my work is supported with regular clinical supervision. From my training and work experience gained from the UK and across Europe, I adopt a holistic approach to psychological health and emotional wellbeing.
As well as being a qualified Practitioner Psychologist, I have also undertaken further training in trauma treatment approaches such as EMDR therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, TRE and Yoga Therapy. Further studies include psychonutrition and advanced nutrient therapy having trained with renowned Dr. William Walsh of the Walsh Research Institute in the U.S.A - a pioneer of advanced nutrient therapy in the area of mental health, autism, behavioural and neurological health conditions.
My clinical research interests include narcissism, trauma, psychological perspectives of time, addiction and the use of yoga, nutrition and organic biochemical restoration in supporting positive mental health. I have published research and been involved in think tank discussions in these areas and also contribute to blogs and media to share ideas on holistic approaches to mental health & wellbeing.
Press & Media
a selection of some commentary, interviews and features
Would you recognise a narcissist in your family? - The Times (2024)
The five signs your father is a narcissist - Daily Mail (2024)
I was raised by toxic parents - I Paper (2024)
Woman & Home - Healing from a Toxic Mother (2024)
The Psychologist BPS - Interview (2023)
The Times - How to spot a narcissist (2023)
The Stylist - Your ex might have sucked, but that doesn't necessarily make them a narcissist (2023)
Glamour - Love Bombing (2023)
Daily Mail - Is your partner really a narcissist? (2022)
Cosmopolitan - Why are we glamourising toxic relationships? (2022)
Womens Health Magazine - Natural remedies for anxiety (2021)
Vogue - Why are we still swooning over toxic TV relationships? (2021)
The Times - How to stay happy and sane in lockdown (2021)
The Guardian - Not all narcissists are grandiose (2021)
The Times - Working from home tips - how to cope without the office (2020)
Greatist - Spot a narcissist (2020)
Psychologies Magazine - The subtle power of narcissism (2020)
The Times - How to stay happy and sane in lockdown (2020)
Cosmopolitan Magazine UK - What is Narcissistic Abuse and how can you get help (2020)
Glamour Magazine SA - Toxic Relationships and Narcissistic Abuse (2019)
Grazia Magazine - Open about therapy (2019)
Tiny Buddha - Healing the Trauma of Narcissistic Abuse (2019)
Aspire2 Mental Health - Seasonal Affective Disorder (2019)
Cosmopolitan Magazine SA - Are you dating a narcissist? (2019)
Mail & Guardian SA - Toxic Relationships (2019)
The Times - Millennials & burn-out (2019)
Bustle - Spotting the signs of depression (2019)
Manrepeller - The best way to fail (2019)
Manrepeller - Narcissism & Selfies (2019)
Woman Ready - The Signs of a Toxic Relationships (2019)
Refinery29 - Codependency & Self-Esteem (2019)
Business Insider - Mental health of actors. (2019)
Manrepeller - The Secret to Curing Sunday Scaries (2019)
Daily Mail - "Perils of being an echoist" (expert commentator on narcissistic abuse) (2018)
Psychologies Magazine (expert commentator on narcissistic abuse) (2018)
Breathe Magazine - Narcissism (2018)
Glamour Magazine - Holistic approach to mental health (2018)
Psychiatry Advisor (2016)
Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery (2015)
Engage the Group, Engage the Brain (book) (2015)
Health Psychology Update (2012)
Addiction Today (2011)
Qualifications & Publications
DPsych Practitioner Doctorate - Integrative Counselling Psychology, City University, London, UK
Person-Centred Therapy
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Psychodynamic Approaches
third-wave CBT:
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)
EMDR Therapy - Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (parts 1, 2 & 3), Alexandra Richman, London, UK
(used for: Trauma, PTSD, Phobias, Complex Grief, Borderline PD, Pain, Addictions)
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy - a specialist body-centred trauma psychotherapy - London
TRE - Trauma Release Exercises. TRE College
DBT Essential Skills Training (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) UK
Diploma: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - Distinction, Oxford College, UK
(focus on treating mood: Anxiety, Depression, Anger)
Further CBT Therapy Training with Christine Padesky, London
BSc (Hons) Psychology. 1st class honours, UK
inc. Counselling & Coaching Psychology
Yogi Siromani - International yoga and meditation instructor
Further studies in Yoga for Stress and Anxiety
Yoga Therapy & Mindfulness for PTSD & Trauma - Minded Institute
Teaching Clients Mindfulness Skills - BPS London
Coaching & Focusing
Advanced Nutrient Therapy - Medical Practitioner Programme, The Walsh Research Institute, USA.
Mastering Brain Chemistry
Diploma in Nutritional Therapy
Further study in Orthomolecular Medicine
Research & Publications
Raised by Narcissists - how to handle your difficult, toxic, abusive parents. Dr. Sarah Davies (2024) Souvenir Press
How to Leave a Narcissist for Good. By Dr. Sarah Davies (2023) Souvenir Press
(Revised edition of previously published 'Never Again').
Davies, S. (2019). Never Again - moving on from Narcissistic Abuse and other toxic relationships. A practical self-help guide. Published by Troubador. Available as e-book and paperback.
Davies, S. & Filippopoulos, P. (2015). Changes in Time Perspective during Addiction Treatment. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery. Vol. 10 (3), 249-270.
Davies, S. & Kinman, G. (2012). ‘Living in the past?’ Time perspectives and spirituality as predictors of successful rehabilitation in problem drinkers. Health Psychology Update. Vol. 21(1), 3-9.
BPS press release: (2010). ‘Positive recollections of the past help alcoholics stay sober’.
BPS Annual Conference; poster presentation.
Davies, S & Kinman, G (2010). ‘Living in the past? Time perspectives, spirituality and anxiety in 12-step addiction recovery.’